I am saved.
I am forgiven.
I am born again.
The Father loves me and He rejoices over me.
Jesus loves me, and He keeps me great company.
The Holy Spirit loves me and He is my great Comforter.
I will live forever with God and He is happy about that. So am I.
God likes to talk with me and I like to talk with Him; and we are friends.
Jesus is Lord over my life.
The devil has no authority over me at all.
I am what the word of God says I am.
I can have what the word of God says I can have.
I can do what the word of God says I can do.
Feelings do not change the word of God.
I live by what God says, not by feelings.
When good feelings come, they are a bonus. When bad feelings come, they are an attack; and I praise God and they go away.
God knew I was a mess when He saved me and He saved me by grace, and He does not condemn me.
He is always my helper.
I always run to God when I sin, not run from Him.
There is a never-ending power in the blood to forgive me and cleanse me.
I do not give up on the blood of Christ and so God does not give up on me.
God is love; He always thinks the best of me. He believes that I will always win.
I am never alone. The Holy Spirit is always with me and I can trust Him.
I am a new creature. I am a new creation.
The old me is dead.
I say what God says every day. My thoughts are being conformed every day to His thoughts.
The Holy Spirit changes me as I say what God says.
I believe what God believes and He could never lie to me.
I have the faith of God therefore I am a faith person.
My life is blessed by God and Satan cannot curse what God has blessed.
I make every decision based on what God says.
Speaking God’s word brings blessing.
I am blessed. My mate is blessed. My children are blessed. My friends are blessed. My enemies are blessed.
I love You Father with all of my heart and with all of my soul, with all of my mind and with all of my strength.
Your word is truth. I believe Your word. I love Your word.
Thank You for loving me and for putting Yourself at my disposal.